News Event

Demo of Contemporary Nusantara Cuisine, Hundreds of Cooking Hobbyists Take Part in Sriboga's Grand Baking Demo

18 October 2023

Bandung as the closing city in a series of 6 city tours held the Sriboga grand baking demo roadshow with the theme "The Secret to the Perfection of Business Creations".
Located at the Horison Ultima Bandung hotel, hundreds of MSME players, baking hobbies enthusiastically participated in the event.

Head of Marketing Sriboga Flour Mill, Maria Wuri said, Bandung is the last city in the Sriboga Flour Mill Baking Demo series in 2023. Previously, similar events were held in 5 cities in Indonesia.
"Previously we held it in 5 cities. Among them are Solo, Kudus, Pasuruan, Bojonegoro, and Bogor. A total of 6 with Bandung City," said Maria.
Furthermore, said Maria, in this activity her party also introduced superior wheat flour products called Super Premium products.
There are 4 brands, namely Hime for bread, Double Zero for pastry, Ninja for cookies.

"As well as the latest premium products, namely Pita Emas flour for various breads and Beruang Emas (multipurpose flour). These products will create super quality products and can increase sales value," said Maria.

Meanwhile, West Sales Manager of Sriboga Flour Mill, Sugeng Sudrajat said that this activity was held as a form of existence of his party in providing and encouraging MSME players and baking hobbies to continue to innovate with innovative recipes and flour from Sriboga.

"Yes, of course the hope is that MSMEs engaged in wheat flour raw materials can continue to innovate and develop their products, with the current concept," said Sugeng.

Furthermore, said Sugeng, Sriboga Baking & Cooking Asian Food was demonstrated by 5 reliable and cool chefs. Among them are Chef Rudi & Chef Bangun (Sriboga), Chef Trisulo (Filma), Chef Budi (WinCheez) and Chef Putri Uti (Mamayo).

"The Chefs display 5 contemporary recipes, namely various breads, cakes, risol, which are expected to provide creative ideas for MSME players and baking hobbies in improving their abilities and businesses," Sugeng said.